A tablet glowing in a person's hand with data and icons flowing into the air.
Corporate Culture

Business Technology: Traveling at the Speed of Change

Holmes Murphy
Holmes Murphy

We’ve come a long way in a very short time in the world of technology. I’ll show my age here and let you know that I was in college when I first used a computer. Of course, that computer filled a large, air conditioned room and I used punch cards to write programs that would perform a simple task, like adding a string of numbers. There were few personal computers on my college campus.

My how times have changed! In today’s business environment, technology can be exciting, exhausting, challenging, and revolutionary.

Technology is about disruption and speed of change. Personal computers, email, cell phones, smart phones, and social networking are all examples of disruptive technology. We take all of these technologies for granted today, but think of how they rocked our world when they were first introduced. Have you already seen technology that will disrupt your industry? Are you paying attention?

Business leaders need to embrace the speed of change brought on by technologies like business intelligence, big data, the Internet of Things, and cloud computing. Business and technology are no longer separate conversations. Technology drives most business today. It’s time for your business to travel at the speed of change and use technology to disrupt your industry and bring your company a competitive edge.

At Holmes Murphy, we’re using technology to improve your customer experience. We’re constantly exploring and evaluating new technology to decrease your business risk, increase your profitability, and enhance your employees’ work environment. We’re traveling at the speed of change to stay ahead of tomorrow’s challenges so they don’t become today’s problems. And, that journey is never-ending.

So, let me ask you this: Are you up for the ride? What questions do you have for me? What technology practices are you using that could benefit others? Comment below and let me know! I’m always interested in a good discussion!

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