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In our previous installment in the Cyber Security blog series we’ve done over the last several weeks, we made reference to the alphabet soup of cybersecurity. While there are a lot of good tools that exist to help you stay resilient, there’s also a significant amount of information out there that may be pulling you in different directions. On top of this, cyber threats are constantly evolving and seemingly always a step ahead.
Considering all of this, you may be asking yourself, “how secure am I, really?”
It’s a fair question and one that any prudent risk manager or leader should be asking themselves in today’s cyber environment.
At Holmes Murphy, we have access to tools to help you answer that question! For purposes of this blog, I’m focusing on one.
Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures Survey
In partnership with Tech Assure and NetDiligence, we have access to a dynamic cyber security loss control survey that is intended to gauge your organization’s implementation and posture of high-priority technical security practices relating to various network, system, and application solutions. The high-priority practices identified through the survey can help mitigate against high-profile, high-impact exploits that your organization may face from internal and external malicious actors. The survey generates results immediately with scores indicating areas of success and areas for improvements.
Taking this a step further, for a more in-depth understanding of your cybersecurity and remediation, you will have access to a NetDiligence Security Engineer who will provide you with a detailed, independent, and objective assessment of the survey.
Obtaining a second opinion never hurts and empowers you and your organization to make informed decisions that are right for you. Cyber security can seem like a moving target, but the right partners can make pinning it down much easier.
Learn More by Reaching Out
For more information on how Holmes Murphy can assist in improving your cyber security posture and provide value-added vulnerability assessments, don’t hesitate to reach out! We have cyber experts on hand to help and can walk you through all of the resources available, and sign up for the free eRisk Hub.
Plus, check out the first five blogs in our Cyber Security 7-part series. Don’t miss out on our last series installment coming up on October 7 by subscribing to our blog, just to the right on this page.