One of my favorite stories I tell comes from when I first started at Holmes Murphy. A group of us were visiting a small architecture firm and having a discussion around liability — discussing liability 101, if I may. After a few back and forth questions, we were talking about communication and documentation and an older Principal turns to me and asks, “Hey, what do you think about this email thing? Think it’s here to stay?” Taken back by the question and having been on the job for about a week, I quickly answered, “Yes, I believe it is,” and moved on to the next topic.

As someone who is of a generation known for our technology use and adoption, I get all sorts of questions regarding newer technology…more specifically, new ways to transmit files and information to other parties (whether that be the owner, contractor, or other subtrades). Because of this, I want to shed some light on the potential issues surrounding the electronic transmission of files or sending of 3D or BIM files to other parties for use.

Without a doubt, technology and computers have changed our everyday lives. For the design professional, it’s helped provide better communication, enhanced data analysis and design capabilities, and improved presentation abilities. With many of the benefits we’re seeing, this is very much a double-edged sword.

Whether you transmit files electronically via email or other portals, transmit and share your BIM file or similar technology, or use a project website, there are many issues that may arise, including, but certainly not limited to the:

And…the list goes on and on.

What I recommend is that every firm should evaluate the electronic transfer of information very carefully and consider the following:

And while what I’ve outlined above seems like a lot, unfortunately, this is just scratching the surface of precautions you should take. If you’d like to discuss further, have questions, or just aren’t sure where to even start, don’t hesitate to reach out to us!