Message block

The message block is a simple text editor block that allows you to highlight words and phrases by putting them in bold copy. The color patterns used for highlighted text will automatically repeat – orange, green, blue.

We make a difference by promoting 
health, protecting wealth, & delivering 
peace of mind.

Awards block

The awards block is another simple text editor block that allows you to highlight a number by putting it in bold copy. The block will then grab the number and automatically animate from 0 up to the number when the block enters the viewport.

Over 40 Workplace Awards Since 2012

Split Content


This version of the split content uses a simple content model, which provides a headline, description, and CTA.

Headline text goes here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Dive Deeper Into Our History

Overlap / Link List

This version of the split content uses a link list content model, which provides a headline, description, and a repeater field that allows for an unlimited number of links to be added. The color theme selected will control the hover state of the link items.

Paired with this we see the overlap media option selected. This allows for the image to appear inside of a color box that breaks outside of the split content block in a controlled manner. When using this image treatment it’s recommend to use transparent PNGs for the image as the background color will be applied automatically via the color theme treatment selected for the block.

things and stuff

Jay Reavis on Property Casualty at Holmes Murphy

CTA Blocks


The “normal” style CTA block creates a block with a simple header and CTA button. This variation includes color theming that will automatically apply boxes to the design.

Standard CTA Block

Learn more

Signup CTA Block

The “signup” style CTA block creates a block with a header and simple signup form. The form includes a single input field and button. This block also includes color theming that will automatically add blocks.

**NOTE: Currently the form does not submit anywhere. There is a field in the backend where future dev can specify a `form action` endpoint.

Thin CTA Block

The “thin” style CTA block provides a slimmed down version of the component with only a single button. Color theming is still available, but no blocks will be added.

Dual CTA Blocks

The Dual CTA block allows for up to two callouts side by side. Each callout provides a headline, content block, CTA, and icon options.

Additionally the Dual CTA provides an optional “upper content” area with a headline and long form description content. The content will be truncated and a CTA will trigger the show/hide functionality for users to read more or less.

Color theming is included with this block and will be applied to the top / bottom areas above the content.

Get the full write-up about Property Casualty coverage at Holmes Murphy

As a business owner, finding the right insurance partner can be a difficult and complicated process. Most companies tend to look at property casualty insurance based on what they’ve done before. As a result, coverage and program risk strategies lack alignment with business goals and change isn’t measured, impactful, or realized.

As a business owner, finding the right insurance partner can be a difficult and complicated process. Most companies tend to look at property casualty insurance based on what they’ve done before. As a result, coverage and program risk strategies lack alignment with business goals and change isn’t measured, impactful, or realized.

header doing things

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Fraternal Webinar Series

Fall 2023 Webinar Series

September 6, 2023 – Prevention IS Your Job: A Fraternity/Sorority Partner Discussion

  • Rich Lucey l Drug Enforcement Agency, Community Outreach and Prevention Support
  • David Anderson l Professor Emeritus, Education and Human Development l George Mason University

September 5, 2023 Empowered to Prevent Hazing

  • Lori Hart l Catalyst Agency and Holmes Murphy Fraternal Practice
  • Todd Shelton l Hazing Prevention Network
Spring/Summer 2023 Webinar Series

August 9, 2023 What Works: Quality Risk and Hazing Prevention

With support from a partnership between Holmes Murphy Fraternal Practice and CRC Group:

  • Stevan Veldkamp
  • Emily Perlow
  • Rafael Matos
  • Pietro Sasso